My approach to healing sounds
Constructing a Turning In album resembles piecing together an extensive feature film more than producing a brief musical track – and the distinction will be palpable.
Developing an album for the Turning In collection demands at least four weeks of diligent studio labor, perpetual fine-tuning, and blending. To accurately discern and refine the impact that even the tiniest element has on the listener’s awareness and vitality, I must maintain a meditative state during my studio sessions.
Additionally, as I embarked on my kaleidoscopic adventures around the globe as a DJ, I’ve seized an eclectic array of atmospheric soundscapes and aural treasures that each distinct location presented. I’ve infused these captured recordings into numerous Turning In ambient healing compositions, bestowing them with a distinctive depth, expansiveness, and warmth.
This contemplative music is tailored with a specific purpose: to transform and broaden the listener’s mental state and elevate their consciousness. It is crucial that I embody a similar state of awareness while composing and crafting this unique music. Why? Because when you’re in a deeply relaxed, receptive, and expanded state, you become attuned to every minute detail, and the slightest inconsistency can disrupt the entire experience. Along the journey, I repeatedly evaluate the latest versions of the meditation tracks in their entirety. Additionally, I share them with seasoned meditators to gather feedback before finalizing the pieces.
Although the process is gradual and time-consuming, it is ultimately a profoundly soothing experience for me. I am deeply passionate about this work, and I am eager to discover the effects these sounds have on you.
I’ve found these ambient tracks to be a dependable solution whenever I’m exhausted, overwhelmed, lacking energy, or anxious. I usually sit or even lie down, wearing an eye mask and covered with a blanket, and listen to one of my favorite tracks. After only 20 minutes, I feel completely rejuvenated, with my energy restored, and I’m prepared to tackle my tasks. This music has been a lifesaver for me.