”Flow” is designed to be listened to with headphones in lossless sound quality in order to get the binaural alpha effects of easing your brain, clearing your thoughts, and becoming more and more present and inspired with each repetition.
The Solfeggio 528 Hz healing frequency is the frequency of the heart and it’s also called the ‘Love Frequency’. According to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, this frequency is central to the “musical mathematical matrix of creation.” More than any sound previously
discovered, 528 Hz resonates at the heart of everything including your heart.
“Flow” can also be used as background music while working or engaging in creative processes.
I designed Flow to relax your nervous system into an alpha brainwave state—a light meditative state similar to what you would feel if you were deprived of sensory information coming in from the environment and able to focus simply on calming your thoughts.
Alpha waves are associated with developing multidimensional awareness, peak performance states, creativity, and presence.
Alpha waves can ignite your clarity and imagination and boost your performance and creativity. They are even said to be the “artist brain waves,” where new ideas and solutions are sparked and you connect to your inner playful state of clarity and wisdom. This frequency helps you become fully present in a state of multidimensional awareness, which increases problem-solving capacity, and you may even experience a sense of deep connection, belonging, and flow.
Alpha is also fundamental to our spiritual growth, since we need a strong alpha in order to establish connections during states of trance, deep meditation, and dream sleep.