Revitalizing with Nadja’s Frequencies: Overcoming Fatigue and Overwhelm

Revitalizing with Nadja Lind’s Frequencies: Overcoming Fatigue and Overwhelm Introduction: In our fast-paced and demanding world, feelings of…

Unlocking Potential: The Costs of AD(H)S and the Healing Frequencies of Nadja Lind

The Illusion of Perfectionism: Embracing Yourself with Nadja’s Frequencies Introduction: Living with AD(H)S (Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder) can…

The Illusion of Perfectionism: Embracing Yourself with Nadja’s Frequencies

The Illusion of Perfectionism: Embracing Yourself with Nadja’s Frequencies Introduction: In our pursuit of perfection, we often overlook…

Empower Your Brain: Meditation, Entrainment & Habits

Empower Your Brain: Meditation, Entrainment & Habits The brain plays a crucial role in all aspects of your…

interview w. Dr. J. Dupuy on “The Universe is friendly”

Nadja’s “The Universe is Friendly” live talk w. Dr. John Dupuy CEO iAwakeTechnologies Nadja’s new aural Medicine……

speakers Convention 2021 Nadja Lind and Dr. Rüdiger Dahlke

interview mit Katja Jäger Nadja @ “Good Bye Hamsterrad Kongress” 18.11.2021 Katja Jäger – Die Erfolgsmacherin – Lass…